Monitoreal security hub device

Monitoreal security hub

The Monitoreal video security hub is a compact and easy-to-use device that integrates into your new or existing security camera system.

Designed in Cyprus, Europe

The Monitoreal video security hub is a compact and easy-to-use device that integrates into your new or existing security camera system.

Designed in Cyprus, Europe

Whether you need to monitor your home while you’re away or keep an eye on your business during off-peak hours, Monitoreal is the perfect security solution.

Base model

Pro model
Number of Cameras Channels (6) (8)
24+ Object Detection Classifications done done
Deep Sight Mode for Difficult Scenarios done
Connect Cameras via ONVIF or URL done done
Supports Snapshots, H.264 done done
Supports 8 MP Snapshots and 2 MP Streams done done
Dual NIC – Ethernet and Wi-Fi done done

Product overview

With its powerful AI-based technology, Monitoreal’s Security Hub

  • Detects and tracks 24+ object types in real-time.
  • Differentiates between people, vehicle types, pets, wild animals, inanimate objects, and much more.

Flexible notification system

Configure notifications to your smartphone or tablet and get updates about suspicious activity or potential threats around your property at any time.

Connect Monitoreal accessories to take control of your perimeter by triggering lights, sounds, gates, alarms, and more, from anywhere in the world. Predict and prevent a break-in before it happens.

Latest news

Enhancing On-Site Security

Physical perimeter patrolling remains a cornerstone of defense for many commercial and residential sites. Traditional guard patrols, however, come with challenges that can compromise the effectiveness of security measures.

Enhancing On-Site Security

Physical perimeter patrolling remains a cornerstone of defense for many commercial and residential sites. Traditional guard patrols, however, come with challenges that can compromise the effectiveness of security measures.

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